Friday, December 21, 2012


Shatargat is another Black Metal band which had Satanic Warmaster in there team.
In this band he is calld Nazgul but i call him "Satanic Killer Bunny of Frostbitten Grim Mayhem whit Saxual Hammer of Vaginal Penitraiton of Hell and dark Trvnis"

Shatargat - LogoHi Dedic!

Crushing The Thrones Of Light (Demo 1996):

1. Introduction (The Opening Of The Eye Of Satan)
2. Lurking Through The Shadows Of The Moon
3. Last Witch
4. Thine Art Blasphemy
5. Winterstorms (Crushing The Thrones Of Light)
6. Departure (Final Gaze Upon The Dying World)

Get's a bit boring on a second listen.

Shatargat - Wolfe Der Nacht
Wolfe Der Nacht (Demo 1999):

1. Forest Of Broken Crosses
2. Wolves Of War
3. Resurrection Of Pagan Europe
4. Forbidden Woods Of Cernunnos
5. Der Sieg

This demo is more mystic, with flouts, county guitarre and better riffing.

Second demo is a must get.

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