Thursday, December 27, 2012

Vèrmyapre Kommando

Vèrmyapre Kommando is a Franc Black Metal Band and part of the LLN.
I will upload more LLN in the future.

Vèrmyapre Kommando (Demo 1996):

1. Krieg Metäl
2. Sekhell
3. Juden?
4. Razoir X Guillotine
5. Fihveurhr Attack
6. Blitzcarnage
7. G.S. Command

Crache La Mort (Demo 1996):

1. Crache La Mort
2. Mort Du Bâtard
3. Notre Guerre Contre L'Humanité
4. Ténèbres
5. Vérmyapre
6. La Fin

Monday, December 24, 2012

Anal Cunt

You are Gay!

47 Song Demo (Demo 1988)


This is a 2005 Ambient demo.
You won't see that much post 2000 stuff here a but friend askt me.

Lifelover - PromoPromo:

1. I
2. II

Not as good as the Albums but you may like it.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hate Forest

Hate Forest bla bla bla Black Metal bla bla bla...Nazi bla bla bla i don't care bla bla bla.

Hate Forest - ScythiaScythia (Demo 1999):

1. The Unity
2. Scythia
3. Forgotten Voice Of Black Perun
4. Shining Abyss
5. Forest Of Nevres
6. Attila
7. Herros

Friday, December 21, 2012

S.A. Slayer

This is not the Thrash band, this is Power Metal.

S.A. Slayer - Prepare to DiePrepare to Die (EP 1983):

1. The Door
2. Prepare To Die
3. Final Holocaust
4. Unholy Book
5. To Ride The Demon Out

Also had a live split bootleg with the REAL Slayer.

Kyprian's Circle

More stuff from Warmaster...okay he just did some vocals on a  demo and the EP but still it is great black metal.
Kyprian's Circle - In the Mystique of the Moonbeams

In the Mystique of the Moonbeams (Demo 1996):

1. Metsän henki tanssii (Intro)
2. The Children of the Black Within
3. Meadow of the Witches
4. In the Mystique of the Moonbeams
5. Ravenblack Night

The Nightwind Tunes (Demo 1997)

1. Into the Northern Crown
2. Dancing with Trees
3. Hymn to Thunders
4. The Nightwind Tunes

Satanic i wake naked up in a bed with three random naked guys (yeah there are picturs of that) did guest vocals on this one.
Need a better scan the MA sucks more ass than some sluts a know.

Kyprian's Circle - KäärmeenkantajaKäärmeenkantaja (Demo 1997)

1. Intro - Chryse Planitian's Lunarise
2. Kun Puhui Myrskyn Henki
3. Hän Öisin Saapuu
4. Käärmeenkantaja

Kyprian's Circle - Noitatulen Vartija

Noitatulen Vartija (Demo 1999):

1. Ikiyön Liekit
2. Kun Puhui Myrskyn Henki
3. Noitatulen Vartija
4. Helvetin Pajassa On Miekkamme Taottu
5. Kuolemasi Minä Olen

Great Black Metal.


Shatargat is another Black Metal band which had Satanic Warmaster in there team.
In this band he is calld Nazgul but i call him "Satanic Killer Bunny of Frostbitten Grim Mayhem whit Saxual Hammer of Vaginal Penitraiton of Hell and dark Trvnis"

Shatargat - LogoHi Dedic!

Crushing The Thrones Of Light (Demo 1996):

1. Introduction (The Opening Of The Eye Of Satan)
2. Lurking Through The Shadows Of The Moon
3. Last Witch
4. Thine Art Blasphemy
5. Winterstorms (Crushing The Thrones Of Light)
6. Departure (Final Gaze Upon The Dying World)

Get's a bit boring on a second listen.

Shatargat - Wolfe Der Nacht
Wolfe Der Nacht (Demo 1999):

1. Forest Of Broken Crosses
2. Wolves Of War
3. Resurrection Of Pagan Europe
4. Forbidden Woods Of Cernunnos
5. Der Sieg

This demo is more mystic, with flouts, county guitarre and better riffing.

Second demo is a must get.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Facebook and somthing sweet.

Set up a Facebook.
I will post alle the links to my new post there so you don't have to be disappointed when you visit my blog.
Now you can just like the page and wait for the update.
I also will be fooling around alot: Posting stuff i listen to, posting random lyrics and pics.
Also i can like you band if you play in one.
And if you are realy lucky i will writte reviews there.
So and now go to and hit like.

I don't want to that you have to go without music so here have a bit Sweet Savage

Sweet Savage - Straight Through The HeartStraight Through the Heart (Single 1983):

1. Straight Through the Heart
2. Teaser

Great Vocals, Great Single

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Vulgar Degenarete and LDOH

Split 7" between German Death Metal Band Vulgar Degenarete and Dutch Goregrind Maniacs Last Days of Humanity!

Vulgar Degenerate : Vulgar Degenerate - Last Days Of HumanityVulgar Degenarete:
1. Second World War
2. You will Punishable
Last Days of Humanity
3. Septic Convulsion
4. Pro-Rectal Fermentation
5. Slithered Limbs

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Master's Hammer

This Czech First Wave Black Metal Band is AWSOME!
Three demos for you

Master's Hammer - The Ritual MurderThe Ritual Murder (Demo 1987):

1. Kovový Chrám
2. Hej Certe Chlupatej
3. Hodokvas
4. Blek Métl
5. Černej Anděl
6. Rychlejší Nez Satan
7. Hymna Cerné Krve

Track 5 has a wrong name.

Master's Hammer - FinishedFinished (Demo 1988):

1. Duše Nesmrtelných
2. Vzývání Úterní
3. Jáma Pekel
4. Lucifer
5. Za Smlouvou Pekelnou
6. Privítej Smrt
7. Šánect

The Mass (Demo 1989):

1. Intro
2. Zapalili Jsme Onen Svet
3. Signum Diabolis
4. Cerna Svatozar
5. Skryté Síly
6. Vecny Navrat
7. The Mass
8. Vykoupeni
9. Kolem Kotle

Black Metal from the 80's is my current obsession so give me more!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Feel like posting more Grind.
This is Grind Legend Repulsion.

Repulsion - RebirthRebirth (Demo 1991):

1. Excruciation
2. Rebirth
3. Helga (Lost Her Head)
4. House Of Freaks

Repulsion - Excruciation

Excruciation (Single 1991):

1. Excruciation
2. Helga (Lost Her Head)

Good stuff.

Monday, December 10, 2012

1000 Downloads (Massiv amount of stuff)

Well we hit the 1000 Downloads so in celebration i will upload alot of stuff.

Let's stard with some Singles.
This are three Napalm Death Single.

The Curse (1988):

Napalm Death - The Curse1. The Curse
2. Musclehead
3. You achievent?
4. Dead
5. Morbid deceiver

Came with the second LP.

Napalm Death - Mentally MurderedMentally Murdered (1989)

1. Mentally Murdered
2. Cause and Effect

Not the EP, this is the Single with the same name.

Napalm Death - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Nazi Punks Fuck Off (1993):

1. Nazi Punks Fuck Off
2. Aryanisms
3. Nazi Punks Fuck Off (live)
4. Contemptuous (xtreem Mix)

Great Dead Kennedys Cover!

Necrophagist - Necrophagist
Now for some Death Metal.
This is Necrophagist's S/T Demo
Necrophagist (1995):

1. Dismembered Self-immolation
2. Foul Body Autopsy
3. Pseudopathological Vivisection
4. Fermented Offal Discharge

Brutal stuff, i have the first Demo but the band don't want that it's heard.
So i wont upload it.

Next we have a Rehearsal tape from Norways Bak De Syv Fjell
There put out one of my favorit EP's and everyone should try to get there hand on this.
Anyway only one song show up on the EP so all the others are unknown.
No Cover so take the band logo.

Rehearsal Tape (1996):
Bak De Syv Fjell - Logo
1. De Siste Tanker
2. Unknown I
3. Unknown II
4. Unknown III
5. Unknown IV

Now some Sodom.
This is a Single to the Agent Orange album.

Ausgebombt (1989)

Sodom - Ausgebombt1. Ausgebombt (german version)
2. Don´t Walk Away
3. Incest (Live)

The Lyrics on the german version are very funny unlike the album version.

Sortilège - DemoSortilège are a French Heavy Metal band and the heros of Chuck Schuldiner from Death.
This is there only Demo.

Demo (1982):

1. Sortilège
2. Nuit des Limbes
3. Métamorphose
4. Delire d'Un Fou

Not the best Rip...track 2 sounds like crap.

I upload more soon, please write me a comment or somthing in the CBox so i can post more stuff that you want.

Hardcore Napalm Death

This are two of the Napalm Death Demos from there Hardcore Punk time.

Punk Is A Rotting Corpse (Demo 1982):

1. The Crucifixion of Possessions
2. Don't Bother
3. Enough
4. Dysfunction

This is a very Catchy Hardcore Punk/Punk Rock.
Fanmade Cover i belive

Hared Surge (Demo 1985):
Napalm Death - Hatred Surge
1. What man can do
2. Instinct of survival
3. Abbatoir
4. Control
5. Sacrificed
6. So sad
7. Caught in a dream
8. Private death
9. Cheswick green (live)

Starting to get more grindy but i would say you should call it Grind when it starts to get to the album demos.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Satan's Massacre

Want some noise?
This is First Wave Black Metal Band Satan's Massacre and there are the double R.
Raw and Ridiculous.
You will see.

Robbing the Graveyard and Raping the Dead (Demo 1987):

1. Seven Guitars Of Hell (Intro)
2. Rape Of The Wolf Women
3. Curse Of The Two Blind People
4. The Bitch Is Mine (Sex With Satan)
5. Zhabar - The Hideous Horned Demon
6. Midnight (Virgin Sacrifice)
7. Black Legions Of Hell
8. Rape The Witches Daughter

Do i need to say much about this?
I want to see the other demo pop up, would be funny to listen to this.