Wednesday, November 21, 2012

666 and White Hell

Hi, yes i am still around. 
As  i sad i still revisit alot of Albums and EP's.
But now more first wave Black Metal.
666 is a Black/Thrash Metal band from Czech wich will later become a part of Törr.
This is the only Demo under this Name.

666 - NekrofilieNekrofile (Demo 1983)

1. Smrt tří šestiletých sirotků pádem z ruského kola
2. Samota v smrt
3. Válka s nebem
4. Nekrofilia
5. Útok na ÚV KSČ

Drunken Metal if you ask me.
For a record from '83 this is quiet Extrem and i think Black Metal as well as Thrash Metal and Venom whorshipers will love this!
Track 4 is a 17 Minuts long, a "At War With Satan" but a bit boring.

White Hell - LuciferAnd this is White Hell from Japan.
Heavy Metal with a bit Satan, Venom and Vomit and all that stuff.

Lucifer (Single 1985):

1. Lucifer
2. Nuclear
3. White Hell

Again Venom Whorshipers will love this, as well as Black Metal and Heavy Metal fans.
This the only thing there did befor there Split up.
None of the members are into any other Band.
Maybe there found Jesus and had to give up evil music or some bullshit like this.

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