Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Fucked my Laotop by droping a empty bottel of Beer on it.
I will be posting again when its repaird.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Vèrmyapre Kommando

Vèrmyapre Kommando is a Franc Black Metal Band and part of the LLN.
I will upload more LLN in the future.

Vèrmyapre Kommando (Demo 1996):

1. Krieg Metäl
2. Sekhell
3. Juden?
4. Razoir X Guillotine
5. Fihveurhr Attack
6. Blitzcarnage
7. G.S. Command

Crache La Mort (Demo 1996):

1. Crache La Mort
2. Mort Du Bâtard
3. Notre Guerre Contre L'Humanité
4. Ténèbres
5. Vérmyapre
6. La Fin

Monday, December 24, 2012

Anal Cunt

You are Gay!

47 Song Demo (Demo 1988)


This is a 2005 Ambient demo.
You won't see that much post 2000 stuff here a but friend askt me.

Lifelover - PromoPromo:

1. I
2. II

Not as good as the Albums but you may like it.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hate Forest

Hate Forest bla bla bla Black Metal bla bla bla...Nazi bla bla bla i don't care bla bla bla.

Hate Forest - ScythiaScythia (Demo 1999):

1. The Unity
2. Scythia
3. Forgotten Voice Of Black Perun
4. Shining Abyss
5. Forest Of Nevres
6. Attila
7. Herros

Friday, December 21, 2012

S.A. Slayer

This is not the Thrash band, this is Power Metal.

S.A. Slayer - Prepare to DiePrepare to Die (EP 1983):

1. The Door
2. Prepare To Die
3. Final Holocaust
4. Unholy Book
5. To Ride The Demon Out

Also had a live split bootleg with the REAL Slayer.

Kyprian's Circle

More stuff from Warmaster...okay he just did some vocals on a  demo and the EP but still it is great black metal.
Kyprian's Circle - In the Mystique of the Moonbeams

In the Mystique of the Moonbeams (Demo 1996):

1. Metsän henki tanssii (Intro)
2. The Children of the Black Within
3. Meadow of the Witches
4. In the Mystique of the Moonbeams
5. Ravenblack Night

The Nightwind Tunes (Demo 1997)

1. Into the Northern Crown
2. Dancing with Trees
3. Hymn to Thunders
4. The Nightwind Tunes

Satanic i wake naked up in a bed with three random naked guys (yeah there are picturs of that) did guest vocals on this one.
Need a better scan the MA sucks more ass than some sluts a know.

Kyprian's Circle - KäärmeenkantajaKäärmeenkantaja (Demo 1997)

1. Intro - Chryse Planitian's Lunarise
2. Kun Puhui Myrskyn Henki
3. Hän Öisin Saapuu
4. Käärmeenkantaja

Kyprian's Circle - Noitatulen Vartija

Noitatulen Vartija (Demo 1999):

1. Ikiyön Liekit
2. Kun Puhui Myrskyn Henki
3. Noitatulen Vartija
4. Helvetin Pajassa On Miekkamme Taottu
5. Kuolemasi Minä Olen

Great Black Metal.